DEC Prepares for Youth Tour 2023
Jan. 30, 2023 | Press Releases
While warmer weather feels very far away, it won’t be long before school is out for the season, and what better way to spend a week of your summer vacation than with DEC in Washington D.C.? Current high school juniors will soon be able to apply to participate in the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Youth Tour from June 19 - June 23. In previous years, students have visited our national monuments, learned about the energy industry, met with lawmakers, networked with peers from across the country and took part in other exciting activities. According to DEC manager of public relations & community outreach Lauren Irby, events like Youth Tour are great for fostering students’ personal growth. “I think it’s a great way to give students a leadership opportunity — to give them the chance to learn about the cooperative business model and to learn about energy and government,” Irby says. “For DEC, it’s an opportunity to invest in the leaders of tomorrow.” Updates on when the application period will open will be provided in next month’s newsletter.