How Does Beat the Peak Work?
The program is simple! During times when the cost to purchase and produce power for members is high, we issue Beat the Peak alerts. During these alert periods, we ask members to conserve energy. We recommend you turn off unnecessary lights, delay the use of major appliances like dishwashers and dryers and turn your thermostat up a few degrees in the summer and down a few degrees in the winter. Over the years, the program has saved members more than $40 million. Because DEC is a not-for-profit utility, those savings are passed on to you in the form of affordable rates. This program is becoming even more important as energy costs rise. After Oct. 1, 2023, if you have one of the Co-op's plug-in peak indicators, please throw it away or recycle it at a DSWA electronic recycling center. The technology used to send signals to the indicators is antiquated and costly to maintain.
All Time Total Savings
Four Ways to Beat the Peak
The app displays the best ways to save energy during alert periods and will show members how much money the program is saving them! Members will also receive reminders to conserve energy once the alert period begins. Just search “Beat the Peak” in the app store on your phone or tablet. Be sure to allow notifications through the app so you never miss a Beat the Peak alert. You can also sign up to receive alerts via email HERE. You can also sign up to receive text messages when we issue Beat the Peak alerts. To sign up, log into your online Co-op Smarthub account or sign up for an account HERE. Or log into your account or create and account through the DEC Connect App. Once logged into your account. select “settings”, then select “manage notifications.” Select “reports” and then select the phone number or numbers where you would like to receive Beat the Peak alerts. If you don’t have a cell phone number listed on your account, please visit the “contact methods” tab to update your information.
Members who install or who have already installed a thermostat connected to Wi-Fi are eligible for the program. Members will agree to allow DEC to adjust their thermostats a few degrees during summer Beat the Peak alerts. By allowing your Co-op to automatically adjust your thermostat a few degrees, you’ll be helping to lower the cost of power for all members. You’ll receive an initial $25 billing credit and a $5 monthly credit on your bill during the summer.
Co-op Members who have purchased or who are considering the purchase of an electric vehicle (EV) can play a new and important role in our Beat the Peak program. Delaware Electric Cooperative will offer a one-time $100 billing credit and an additional $5 monthly billing credit during the summer months for EV owners who do not use their EV chargers during Beat the Peak alerts. To receive the credit, you must sign up for the Optiwatt charging program.
DEC's Beat the Peak rate gives members another way to save money by using electricity during off-peak hours. Members who sign up for the Beat the Peak rate will pay more for the power they consume from 3:00-6:00 p.m. (on-peak hours) and less for the power they consume from 6:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. or 5:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. (off-peak hours). Members will pay a significantly lower price for power consumed from 11:00 p.m.-5:00 a.m. (super off-peak hours). By using energy during times when it is cheapest for the Co-op to purchase or produce power, members will be rewarded with lower electric bills. If you can delay the use of major appliances until later in the evening or very early in the morning, this rate could reduce your monthly electric bill. For example, if a member is able to shift 10 percent of their energy use from on-peak hours to super off peak hours, they could lower their monthly bill by 8 percent. This rate could also help members with electric vehicles save money, since the chargers consume a lot of electricity. This rate is designed for members who have greater flexibility over when they use power, and your home must use at least 1,000 kWh per month to qualify for the program. Please note, not everyone will save by switching to this rate. If you have a large family and use a lot of energy during on-peak hours, this rate will increase your electric bill. To sign up for this rate or for more information, please call us at 855-332-9090.
How to Conserve
In Summer, raise your thermostat a few degrees
Turn off any unnecessary lights
In winter, lower your thermostat a few degrees
Grill outside instead of using your stovetop
Delay the use of big appliances until the alert passed