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   Work will soon be underway to expand DEC's headquarters campus in Greenwood. The project will enable our team of employees to better serve members living in the communities we power. Included in the upcoming construction are the addition of a new truck bay, mechanic's shop, transformer shop and state-of-the-art dispatch facility, as well as a complete renovation of our headquarters building. After construction begins in March, our current lobby and drive-thru payment areas will be closed. Members who wish to pay their bill or speak to one of our representatives must do so by visiting a temporary building located in the Co-op parking lot. Once construction begins, signs will be posted indicating where members should go to pay their bill. According to President and CEO Rob Book, these renovations represent a new era for DEC and the service it will provide for members. “Our current building opened in the late 1990s and was capable of comfortably housing 140 employees. We now have more than 180 employees; technology has changed dramatically over the past 25 years, and we are one of the fastest growing utilities in the nation. This campus expansion will help our Co-op meet the needs of current and future members and ensure our employees have the tools they need to keep the lights on.” Book says the project will not impact electric costs for DEC members, which remain the lowest in the state. 

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