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The evening kicked off with the Co-op's chicken dinner and community fair, with music provided by Junior Wilson.

In August, your Co-op was excited to welcome members back to our first in-person annual meeting since 2019. More than 3,000 people attended our 2022 annual meeting held on Tuesday, Aug. 16 at the Delaware State Fairgrounds. Members were treated to a fried chicken dinner, community fair, music and a special lineworker demonstration. During the business meeting, members heard an update on challenges DEC is currently facing from CEO Greg Starheim. Starheim spoke to the audience about how the global energy crisis is leading to higher electric rates. He also talked about the negative impact supply chain constraints are having on Co-op operations. Board members Charles Towles, Pat Dorey and Tom Brown were reelected, and bylaw changes that will make it easier for members to vote in director elections were approved. Despite the obstacles DEC employees are working hard to overcome, Co-op leaders also reported positive news to members; after a record year for reliability in 2021, system reliability continues to improve, and members are experiencing fewer outages in 2022. Delaware Electric Cooperative’s team will look for innovative ways to keep the lights on while also working to keep rates as stable as possible. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our 2022 annual meeting, we look forward to seeing everyone again next year!

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