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It’s the end of an era at DEC! As of October 1, our Beat the Peak home indicators will no longer receive the signal to operate. Due to the antiquated, expensive technology required for them to work, we are discontinuing the program. Indicators can be recycled at a DSWA electronic recycling center or thrown away. We encourage members to download our Beat the Peak app for an even more convenient way to receive peak alerts. When an alert is issued, the app will send a notification letting members know it’s time to conserve energy. By saving electricity during these peak alert times, members can help the Co-op keep the cost of energy affordable. Those using the app can also see how much money Beat the Peak has saved members since the program began in 2008, as well as learn helpful tips on how they can best conserve electricity. As always, members can check DEC’s social media pages for peak alerts, or sign up for email notifications. The Co-op is also working to develop a system for members to receive peak alerts via automated phone calls, with plans to launch the program in the spring. Even as technology changes, we appreciate all our members continued efforts to help DEC provide affordable energy to the people and places we power. 

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