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Delaware Electric Cooperative employees have helped to brighten the Christmas season for dozens of children across Delaware. Through the Children’s Choice program, Co-op employees bought presents for 35 needy children.

The Children’s Choice program helps provide presents to children who might otherwise find nothing under their tree on Christmas morning. This is the twelfth year Delaware Electric Cooperative employees have offered a helping hand to the program. All of the presents collected will be given to children in Kent and Sussex Counties.

According to Co-op employee Teresa McCann, who heads up the project each year, “This is something DEC employees look forward to each December. We love to see the office filled with gifts that will provide disadvantaged children with something to open on Christmas morning. Everyone deserves a Christmas and we’re grateful to all the employees who have generously participated in this important program.”

Children’s Choice is a nonprofit social service agency which provides foster care and adoption services to children. The organization has more than one dozen offices in five states. Merry Christmas from your Delaware Electric Cooperative family!

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