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As a member of Delaware Electric Cooperative, you have the unique experience of being powered by a utility focused on people and not profits! This year, we are excited to announce the return of more than $5.7 million to those who were DEC members in 2011. But what about members who joined after 2011? Those members will eventually receive capital credits, too, but it will take a little longer. Since DEC is a not-for-profit utility, the money members pay each month helps finance the purchase and production of power, as well as improvements to the system that keep the lights on. You are investing in YOUR Cooperative. Your immediate payback is in the form of increased reliability and affordable rates. After about a decade, you begin seeing an even greater return on your investment in the form of a billing credit from your Cooperative. You don’t receive a refund the first few years you are a member because that wouldn’t be fair to the earlier members who have paid for the current system. Each generation of Cooperative members contributes, builds equity and then is rewarded with a capital credit refund. People served by for-profit utilities don’t reap these benefits. Even if you are no longer a Co-op member, you are still eligible to receive your capital credits refund! If you have questions, give us a call at 855-332-9090. From our Cooperative family to yours, Merry Christmas!

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